Dress Me Up Dress Hire

Sydney-based dress hire website gets a refresh

Dress Me Up is a Sydney-based dress hire brand that hires out designer gowns and clothing for a fraction of the purchase price. Their brand embodies class and elegance and we utilised this when re-designing their website. We took our services a step beyond design and incorporated website functionalities to boost their sales and engagement.

Key features:

  • Complete home page re-design with a strong focus on User Experience (UX) on Shopify

  • Integrated a Newsletter Pop-up with a discount code to encourage visitors to subscribe

  • Custom CSS coding to allow for different images on desktop and mobile view

  • Added client reviews to their site

  • Cleaned up navigation links in header and footer

  • Fixed design errors in their site such as different sized navigation links,

  • Designed the site with image consistency so the images used match and fit a theme. Image editing was involved.

  • Added additional pages including “Become A Lender” and “Become An Ambassador” to encourage additional services

  • Created a launch graphic for the client to post on their social media accounts

Timeframe: 4 weeks




Evera Forest Photography